Through talks and workshops at conferences and events, Aaron has inspired thousands of people in FTSE100 companies and SME associations.
His experience of overcoming challenges and achieving goals can be applied to everyday work and life. He tells his inspirational stories with honesty and humour. Audiences rave about his presentations, and leave inspired to achieve more.
Contact Aaron now and book him to attend your event.

Aaron works with people and organisations who are on a journey and are not yet the finished article. They want to go somewhere. He helps them to reach that destination. His strategies for achieving your goals are transferable to many aspects of business and life.

• From becoming an amputee aged 15 to the all-elusive Gold Medal
• Duration: 20 – 50mins
• Suitable for all members of staff
• Most suited to conference open or close
The Hollywood style keynote. It's an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. Be prepared to laugh, to cry and be moved.

• Attempting to be the first person to climb Kilimanjaro unaided in a wheelchair
• Duration: 10 – 20mins (stand-alone or alongside Blood, Sweat & Wheelchairs)
• Suitable for all members of staff
After two days treking it was clear the wheelchair couldn't cope, Aaron refused to be carried and crawled for 4 days on his hands and knees to reach the summit.

• Delivered alongside Aaron's performance coach, Jon Cooper
• Duration: 20 – 50mins (Keynote) or 2 hours – Half day (Workshop)
• Suitable for senior management / specific teams
The journey to achieving that defied expectations. Sharing the secrets of an elite partnership in the build up to an unprecedented Paralympic gold medal.

It was the best AGM we have ever had.

It’s a rare and exciting thing to meet a person who can make you rethink your approach to life.

I don’t think you can convey in words what Aaron’s talk achieved.
Ascot Group